Tom Piercy Apps

Frogzilla 1.1
Tom Piercy
Crush your friends and those they love!----------------High octane Facebook friend crushing action! Control giant frog,Frogzilla, to destroy everyone you know and love, and everyone theyknow and love, in a total Facebook rampage of chaos and socialnetworking!What happens when a 5-ton mutant lands on your mum? PlayFrogzilla to find out! (subject to Mum being on Facebook and beingyour ‘friend’)----------------NOTE: No ‘micro-transactions’! No waiting! Buy once, getunlimited Facebook friend rampages, subject only to your skill!This is not a silly viral Facebook game. This is a game about a5-ton mutant frog and your mum (and other Facebook friends)!Make your Facebook friends sweat! Make them scream!Frogzilla – putting the ‘frog’ in Frogzilla!----------------P.S. You can play Frogzilla without Facebook, but why wouldyou?!